reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Monday, November 14, 2005

A weekend with the family

Mr. Little Man and I had one of the best weekends ever. I spent all last week feverishly cleaning the house so that we could enjoy one of the last nice weekends before it got too cold for us to do anything outdoors.

Saturday morning we went to the beach to fly kites and on our way home we stopped to have lunch. This in and of itself is HUGE because Mr. Little Man generally does not do well in "public", but he seemed to enjoy it so I am hopeful that it will be the first of many public adventures. Saturday afternoon he had his first swim and gym class of the season. He loves to swim and this is a program exclusively for autistic children which is a huge relief for me because I am not always having to explain my sons quirks to the other parents. They swim for an hour and then they do gross motor activities for an hour. The great thing is that everything they do during these 2 hours is essentially adaptive physical therapy cleverly disguised as fun instead of work.

Sunday I had my first gingerbread latte of the season (in the red cup!)....it is truly sad that it takes so little to make me happy.

We spent the morning in the park and we raked some leaves in the backyard. We went to see Wallace and Grommet (which was cute but even the claymation characters make arguements for universal dental care, which killed me because I couldn't stop staring at their teeth). Then we went home and played with Legos before he abandoned me to do his own thing (he wanted to color and listen to some music. He was dancing along to Elmo's Silly Songs which was cute. I was really starting to worry that he had inherited his father's sense of rhythm and I am happy to report that that is not the case).

It is just nice to be able to relax and go places and not feel stressed about running from one activity to another. And I get to really enjoy my son and see how fast he is growing up and how much progress he is making. And most importantly I have to take my time with him where I can get it because I know that in a few years he will be too cool to hang out with his mom.