January sucks. There is a lot going on but at the same time, there is nothing going on. Folks keep e-mailing me asking why I haven’t posted and, quite honestly, the answer is because I have nothing to report. Actually, that isn’t entirely true. I have a few little things, but nothing of enough substance to make a good blog entry. Here is a (God willing) brief synopsis:
-The exercise/diet program is going well. I do not want to give anyone the idea that this is an intensive program, because that wouldn’t be my style at all. I do yoga once a week (for flexibility), Pilates once a week (I need some serious toning and should do Pilates daily) and I go swimming twice a week. This is more exercise that I have done in the last 4 months. Cold weather turns me into a sloth.
As far as diet goes I have just been more careful about what I eat. I make it a point to eat three square meals, I’ve cut out all sugar and fried food and I don’t eat after 6 pm. The hardest thing is not eating after 6. Joe loves to make reservations for 9 pm.
I’m also following my grandfather’s advice, which was “In the morning one must eat like an emperor, midday one must eat like a prince and in the evening one must eat like a pauper”. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?
-My school district has called a meeting to “assess Mr. Little Man’s progress”. This is just a nice way to say they want to see if they can put him in an in-district program because they are tired of sending him to his current school, which I love. The staff there is incredibly supportive and he has come such a long way since he started there. I have let my district know that my lawyer and I would be attending this meeting together because it will take a fucking lawsuit to get me to agree to send him to an in-district school.
-I am getting ready for my vacation. The bitch posse (or girlfriend network if you prefer) and I will be enjoying sand and surf at the Four Seasons in Costa Rica. Mr. Little Man will be staying with his grandparents. I was so psyched and then I realized that my passport has expired. God, I hope my new one arrives in time. I paid for Rush service. I may need to sneak in and out of the country.
-January is a great month for basketball. Gonzaga and Wisconsin are both 14-3 and both are #1 in the respective conference. I am secretly in love with Adam Morrison; at least until the end of the season.
-Mr. Little Man is really into art. He is serious about it and we do art together everyday. Last night as I was cleaning up I realized that a crayon was missing. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but I have had experience with this sort of thing and I know it can only end way. With me scrubbing it off of the wallpaper/furniture/tile (and him doing the happy dance and ignoring my instructions to “never fucking do it again. Damn it!”).
-Battlestar Galactica. Seriously, This Is The. Best. Show. On. Television. Better than Veronica Mars (Ya'll know I love me some VM). I am so happy that the hiatus is over. Also, BSG Podcasts! Laura Roslin is the most calculating person in the fleet and I love her for it. Yes, I am a geek.
Lastly, because people keep asking me about this to0:
What I am reading – I am usually reading 2 or 3 books at the same time. I am reading The Shipping News by Annie Proulx, which is painfully slow. I am re-reading The Complete Maus, which I love despite the fact that it is heartbreaking.
What I am listening to – Colour the Small One by Sia Furler. I love her collaborations with Zero7 and I have wanted this CD for a while, but you could only get it as an import (for $35.00 and I refuse to pay that for a CD). Thankfully, last week they released it in the US. So far, so good.