reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Let's talk about the election....in California

I had always considered California a liberal state so I will admit that I'm a bit puzzled that they were able to get Prop8 on the ballot there.

Prop8 is a state amendment titled ELIMINATION OF THE RIGHT OF SAME SEX COUPLES TO MARRY. Now, I live in New Jersey, which is also a liberal minded state. But I think what California is doing is horrid so I'm actively letting folks know. Why? I do not want California to set a precedent. I don't want anyone to think that denying same sex couples the right to anything is OK, because it isn't.

This isn't about having gay friends or straight friends. This is about other people telling you who it is OK to love. And it's about not extending basic rights to someone based on who they want to sleep next to at night. I know several homosexual couples that have been together for a decade or more. They nurse each other through illnesses, they support each other through bad times and they celebrate their triumphs.

Voting down Prop8 should be a triumph. No one should be denied the right to live their lives as a married couple equal in the eyes of all other married couples.

And John Cho says it better that I ever could: