reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Monday, August 07, 2006

A Weekend in Pictures

Every year I take Mr. Little Man to Terhune Orchards. Usually we walk around and check out the livestock, pick some fruit, catch butterflies, take a ride on the tractor. Its usually a pretty fun time. Some pictures from our weekend:

Creepy bride and groom (then again aren't all brides and grooms a little bit creepy?):

Mr. Little Man:

Me (ya'll don't even realize what a miracle it is that I managed to take a photo without a triple chin):

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, female (Papilio glaucus):

Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor)

Picking raspberries:

Sunflowers on my coffee table (the yellow are "teddy bear", the dark red are "black velevt")

What I am reading: National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies. I have 11 of these field guides and I prefer Audubon's to Peterson's. Yes, I know I'm a geek. No, I don't care who knows. And I am totally psyched that they make field guides for kids now! (Sidebar, should I be worried that I am turning my kid into a geek? Will kids on the playground harass him?)
What I am listening to: Fischerspooner - Emerge