The Pot Stirrer
The Pot Stirrer. Every family has one and if you think yours doesn't, then it's YOU.
In my family I am the pot stirrer. I am also the black sheep, but that is a completely different post.
Case in point: My brother and his girlfriend Bebe are having a baby. Bebe's mother decides to throw a baby shower for her (#1, please do not even make me mention how that defies all of the laws of etiquette ever written) and invite everyone they know. Everyone, that is, except my mother. And me, which is not really a big deal, but I mention it because, again, the laws of etiquette defy this.
Now, my mother is upset about this because Bebe's mother has a long history of doing things like this and she feels like once the baby is born things will only get worse. EXAMPLE: Whenever Bebe has a birthday she invites Bebe to dinner (along with the rest of the family) but does not invite my brother, with whom Bebe has lived for 3 years. My mother fears that she will try to have birthday parties, etc for the baby and not invite my brother, which I would not put past this woman.
After hearing my mother gripe about this for 2 weeks I finally decided to call CT and tell him to talk to Bebe. I did give him the option of having me talk to her instead. Now, of course, the entire family is accussing me of stirring the pot but of course, they complained to me endlessly for 2 weeks without any action....which I, of course, took as a cry for help.
It once again makes me wonder if these people know me at all. Of course, I am going to stick my nose in; I am tired of hearing about it and you continue to drag me in anyway.
What I am reading: Once again, laws pertaining to immunizations. We need an exemption!
What I am listening to: Amos Lee - Lullabye
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