reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Remembering the 80s

Like most women I have a passing interest in fashion. More accurately, I guess I should say that I admire fashion, but am too lazy (and poor) to allow myself to get too invested. Although I will admit to a weakness for shoes.

I don't have enough energy to get up every morning and really put myself together with clothes, hair, make-up and accessories. And, in all honesty, Mr. Little Man will usually find a way to wipe his milk mustache (or worse, his runny nose) on me, thus rendering my efforts null and void.

Now that I am a woman of a certain age I do find that old addage of everything fashionable coming back into style "sooner or later" to be true. I have witnessed it first hand. And, despite the fact that I am not too terribly fashionable, I have made a list of things that I will not wear again. EVER.

1. Legwarmers. Oh dear, I used to love me some leg warmers. Whenever I see someone wearing these now I want to tackle them.
2. Leggings (or worse, leggings with stirrups). Not gonna do it. Just look at them and you'll know why.
3. Fluorescent colors. No one looks good in anything fluorescent. NOBODY. AT ALL. EVER.
4. Anything that makes me look like an extra from the hit 80s TV series "Miami Vice". No turned up collars, no pastels, no loafers without socks, no giant hair, none of it.
5. Pegged pants. Oh the horror!
6. Pants tucked inside boots. Especially when paired with a longer shirt. What is the point of only showing 6" of pant?
7. Wide belts. I'm talking 4" - 5" wide. My torso doesn't need any help looking shorter than it really is.
8. Lace or fingerless gloves....or bicycle gloves or any type of glove that isn't specifically made for cold weather.
9. Pleated jeans. Admit it, you had a pair too.
10. Vests. Unless it was a Star Trek vest or something. (Don't even think about sending me an email about that statement)

Things I am jumping on as soon as they come back in style:
1. Hypercolor t-shirts. Oh yeah, I totally went there.
2. KangaROOs. I loved the little pocket in the tongue of the shoe. Those were awesome.
3. Anything argyle. Please don't ask me to explain because I can't.
4. Anything monogrammed. Mainly due to my ongoing identity crisis.

What I am reading: The Imitation of Life - Fannie Hurst. This is actually one of my favorite movies, but I was a little surprised to find that it is actually an adaptation of a book.
What I am listening to: Tina Dico - In The Red. I can NOT believe that I didn't put this on my 10 best list.