reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending my friend Anthony's wedding. Now, Ant and I go back a few years and we've been through some thangs together. Thats right, thangs. My mother thinks that Anthony and his bride Barbara are the cutest couple in the world, which they totally are. But, lets get back to the story.

The wedding was beautiful, the bride and groom looked gorgeous and it was the first wedding I'd been to in a really long time where the bride and groom actually had a great time.

I've met Anthony's (divorced) parents on several occasions and they are both really nice people. So, flash forward to the wedding reception. Everybody is drinking champagne and dancing and occasionally stepping outside to cool down. Now at one point Ant's father said to me, "You know, I'm moving back to New Jersey. You should give me your contact information and I'll call you sometime and take you out for coffee." Ummm, I almost choked on my champagne because this sounded like he was asking me out on a date.

In my social circle I'm known as the girl who misreads signals, I can't tell you how many times I've been on a date and not realized I was on a date until the poor guy tries to hold my hand, or worse yet, kiss me, so I immediately run over to my friend Eric (who is incidentally Mr. Little Man's godfather) and relay the story to him. Eric assures me that I've been hitting the crack pipe one too many times and that I'm just imagining being asked out. I calmed down and proceed to dance with whatever unsuspecting person I can get to agree. I did 2 of The Gue's patented dance moves: "Big fish, little fish, cardboard box" and "The Shovel"; both were a huge hit. I was having a great time and then Ant's dad saunters back to me and says, "I'm leaving now but I didn't get a chance to get your telephone number, address or email, but I'll get it from Anthony. See you soon." This time I completely didn't think anything about it because Eric told me I was being crazy.

Eric was standing right next to me when this happened and all I could do is smile and say "OK" and wave as he left. Eric turns to me and says, "Dude, Ant's dad just asked you out. I really need to be there when you explain to Ant that you are dating his father."

What I am reading:
The Yahoo Group on Chelation. Man, does my head hurt...so many questions!
What I am listening to: Rush - Tom Sawyer