I've never been particularly religious; it simply wasn't something I was introduced to as a child. My grandfather never particularly took to the local minister. In fact he hated him so much that when they passed each other on the street my grandfather spat in his path.
Oddly enough the reason for this was me. I went to kindergarten with the minister's daughter who one day kindly advised me that I was an illegitimate child. My grandfather (rightly) deduced that this was something she heard at home. Needless to say my childhood never included anything church related.
It's odd that I find myself as an adult suddenly drawn to prayer. I've been undergoing treatment for lupus. I haven't really talked to many people about this. And I haven't really fully explained it to the people I have spoken with. I think most folks just think that I'm tired and grumpy all the time. The issue is once you tell people you're "ill" they start to feel bad for you and your illness takes center stage. Or they can't help you and as a result ignore you because they don't know what to say or do. People FEAR the illness.
I have a hard time being ill. I have a very hard time asking for help. But because of the circumstances there are times when I do need help. I simply can't do it all myself so I pray for a lot of different things. Mainly because I had so many people asking me if I was praying. One day I woke up and I felt compelled.
The thing is that prayer has opened me up to other things and now praying for myself seems selfish. My prognosis is good. And asking for help to make my life more pleasant just seems wrong. Especially when I think of all the ways that my life is good. We eat well, we're safe, my son is happy and healthy, we aren't lacking for food or clean water, I have health insurance, I'm employed, our Christmas will be merry. I have no right to complain because I am blessed. And I take things for granted every single day.