reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Apparently I am having a slow day at work because someone sent me a link to this website.

You upload your picture and it tells you which celebrity you most look like. Let me tell you that this website LIES. Apparently, I look most like (brace yourself) Hilary Rodham Clinton. The fuck? That could not be more incorrect! Here is the full list:

Hilary Rodham Clinton - 59%
Drew Barrymore - 51%
Irene Cara - 51% (this may be the only correct comparison, because after I looked at her picture I had to agree. I look alot like Irene Cara)
Shirley Temple - 45%
Jodie Foster - 43% (Ummmm, I am mulatto. Nothing about me looks anything like her)
Billie Holiday - 41%

What I am reading: Still reading The Economist
What I am listening to: Joss Stone