Mainly because it is a whole list of unrelated stuff.
1. Mr. Little Man is on a 2 week summer break from school, so he is back in parochial school. Actually, parochial summer camp. This means he gets to wear a uniform every day. I LOVE this because we usually fight every morning about his clothes. There is nothing worse than a 4 year old with fashion sense.
2. My boss has taken up the habit of buying me lunch alot. He asks me what I want, goes out and buys it (he pays) and brings it to my desk, where I eat uninterrupted. This is our busy season and I know he does it so that I can stay here and work (I hate leaving the office), but I still have to question. His niceness is freaking me out.
3. The humidity is killing my hair. I am using alot of leave in conditioner and, of course, the requisite hot oil treatments. My hair still looks good, however, dye is out because that will over-dry. Does anybody have a solution to this? I am on the fast track to salt and pepper and I don't think I could "rock it", you know? Curly haired people unite!
4. I am considering trying out for roller derby next season. I actually think I'd be good at it and I could work out alot of my aggression. Plus, where else can you wear fishnet stockings and a bright pink wig and not get thought of as, well, you know.
5. Confidential to The Gue: I am not dusting. It was merely a phase and I am over it.
6. I have been doing alot with the NJ Student Advocacy Union. We are launching a blog to help parents new to special education and for some reason I am running it. I'll keep you posted as the situation progresses.
What I am reading: I just ordered a whole bunch of new books from Amazon knowing that I do not have time to luxuriate and read as much as I want to, although I am fairly excited about reading
Dispatches From The Edge.
What I am listening to: Sean Paul and Keisha Cole - Give It Up To Me. Sean Paul: I adore you but most of the time I have no idea what you are saying. Also, my best friend refers to you as her "baby daddy". You should be proud because you stole the title away from Seal, who is now known as "the guy with the scarred face".