Mr. Little Man is currently on his second summer break from school. He is back at camp and not really loving it. He misses his routine, the bus, his aide, his friends. He likes camp, but any small change in his daiily routine is difficult for him.
Last week I received a notice from camp that they were taking a field trip to the Aquarium. I signed his permission slip and sent them a check. On Friday I received a note that says, "Unfortunately, Mr. Little Man will not be allowed to attend the field trip because of the extra level of care he requires". At first I was livid, because, why did they send me the notice if they had no intention of allowing him to go? But then I thought about and he does require alot more care than the average child.
I spend so much time with him that in alot of ways I do not realize how different he is. I am sure that this is only the beginning and it will not be the first event he is "uninvited" to. Yes, my child is different, but I can't imagine ever giving in to that. He has been receiving
ABA therapy for 2 years and in that small amount of time he has made tremendous strides. He is social, engaging, he has a tremendous attention span (more than the average 4 year old), he is becoming vocal, he's funny, affectionate. In short, he is just an awesome kid.
He is catching up to the "normally developing" 4 year olds, but the simple fact of the matter is that right now he is different and change takes time. I am gonna say a little prayer and remain steadfast in my confidence that next year he can take as many field trips as he wants.
What I am reading: I totally forgot that I bought Dispatches from the Edge by Anderson Cooper. I really like the book thus far. It is a little choppy in that it jumps from 1992 to 2005 to 1996, from Sarajevo to Rwanda to New Orleans, but it is definetly worth it.
What I am listening to: Edge of the Ocean - Ivy