reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


So, November is National Blog Posting Month......or NaBloPoMo as it is referred to. The challenge is post something on your blog every day for a month.

I have a 4 year old that has to get driven to swim class and soccer practice (SIDEBAR: Reality just sank in with the realization that I am a soccer mom. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME? MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHY DIDN'T I NOTICE????). Unfortunately I do not have the time or energy to post something every day, so I am laying out an every other day challenge to myself.

Yes, I am counting this as a post.

What I am reading: Ummmm, it almost midnight and I feel like the living dead. My day started with (TMI alert!) girly hormones, picking someone up from jail (JAIL, folks!), getting a call from Mr. Little Man's school about his 104 degree fever, bailing at the last minute on my dear friend Alicja's birthday luncheon and a visit to the ER. All before 11:30 am.
What I am listening to: The dulcet tones of Mr. Little Man's snoring. Poor kid is all kinds of congested.