Back to School Math
Back to School time is always a little sad for me. I do enjoy the lazy days of summer. I like going to the park every night. I like eating ice cream. I like the beach. I like having lots of extra time to spend with my child before the fall hustle and bustle of soccer practice (we're giving it another shot this year) and swim classes.
I hate shopping for school clothes. Its amazing to me that we literally have to buy EVERY. SINGLE. THING. new. None of his old clothes fit anymore thanks to a monster growth spurt that has left him 3" taller. This has, of course, once again led me to the wonderment that is my child's sense of fashion. I honestly couldn't care less about what he wears. If he wants to be punk rock, so be it. He has good taste.
The light at the end of my tunnel is school supplies. I do not know why, but whenever August rolls around I spend hours trolling the back to school aisle at Target. Lots of brightly colored pens and pencils is my idea of heaven.
Mr. Little Man does not get excited by this at all. He just grabs the biggest box of crayons he can get his hands on and calls it a day. I have grander plans. You see, the people that I work with steal shit. They will clean out your desk if you are absent for more than a few hours and it doesn't help that we all use the same types of pen.
I usually like to switch the type of pen I use every couple of months, ordered from the good folks at Quill. But again, bitches steal, so before too long we're all using the same stuff. This year I am taking a different approach, I am getting stuff straight from Target; things that can not be purchased from Quill. Things that are bright, colorful and girly (only 4 women work here.....and about 40 men. I thank God everyday that I don't have to share a bathroom).
So, to recap we have
For Mr. Little Man:
10 new pairs of pants
4 sweatshirts
2 sweaters
1 winter coat
1 multi purpose fall jacket
2 hats
gloves / scarf
10 long sleeve tees
1 pair school shoes
1 pair gym sneakers
underoos / socks / all that other happy crap
2 pair swim trunks
1 pair cleats for soccer
1 backpack
misc. school supplies
all of this should last until February
Total cost $568.13
For Me:
1 box of pens no one else in my office can use
Total cost $7.69
Who is happier? Me.
What I am listening to: Gone - Jonathan Kellerman
What I am reading: Rilo Kiley - Under the Black Light