reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I think I may have found my Halloween costume

I love Halloween. Me and Mr. Little Man decorate the entire house and I spend a month eating candy. Seriously, what could be better?

This year I believe I will be going as Julie McCoy:

Yes, that Julie McCoy.

Initially I wanted to go as Mr. Rourke from Fantasy Island with Mr. Little Man dressing up as Tattoo, but my child shot that down and called me a dork (OK, he didn't say that, but the look said it all).

What I am reading:
Football season has made me all but give up on books. I did read the latest issue of EW this weekend, though (points for effort?).
What I am listening to: Carly Simon.....which my mother asked me to download for her. I am not a fan.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Incense, Wine and Candles.....Such a Freaky Scene

That title has nothing to do with this post but it sounded 20 times better than "things I need in my life"

1. I need to not be the only person that works here who knows how to spell properly.
2. I really need this t-shirt. Or perhaps this one. In case you were wondering my birthday is in April.
3. I need an old fashioned road trip with JL. A convertible. Lots of diner food and coffee. Good music. And a mandatory stop at every tourist trap between point A and point B. Maybe some skinny dipping.
4. I need to visit my grandparent's grave.
5. I need to put 2 years worth of Mr. Little Man's pictures into photo albums.
6. I need to de-clutter my house (lately I've been thinking a lot about how much stuff I really own and its creeping me out).
7. I sometimes feel I need a gym membership (the gym must have daycare).
8. I definitely need regulated hormones and the ability to control my own temperature (or perhaps just a stronger deodorant?).
9. I would love a sound proof room to blast my music in. If someone could figure out how to put a dance floor in the previously mentioned sound proof room that would be the icing on the cake.
10. Beef sticks ( or as I like to say to CT, "I would slit a bitch's throat for beef stick).

Also, JL told me the other day that the only thing she needed was a man that was willing to sleep with her with the light off on a "skinny day". He must also NOT touch her extensions. Sounds easy enough to me.

What I am reading: Nothing at the moment. It's a bit weird, but I am watching a LOT of TV.
What I am listening to: Interpol - The Heinrich Maneuver. How are things on the West Coast?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Dear Fox TV

Dear Fox TV,

I know that in the past we haven't always been on the best terms. I've referred to you as "the propoganda channel" or as the "White House channel" and you have labeled me as a "bleeding heart liberal". Then you got a couple of good shows (READ: House, Prison Break) and I became a little forgiving. But now we've got to have a talk. Or as my father would say, "A Come To Jesus Meeting".

You fuckers got me emotionally invested in the relationship between one Michael Scofield and Dr. Sara Tancredi. We will not mention my faults or habits of getting wayyyy too into fictional characters; we are here to discuss your transgressions. TV Guide just reported that Dr. Sara Tancredi will no longer be a part of the show. What the fuck? You spent 2 years building up this relationship and now she is out? Also, I know you are going to introduce a new love interest, probably just in time for November sweeps. How the fuck are you going to top the woman who:

A. Gets completely jealous and distant after you get a "non-conjugal" conjugal visit from your mail order bride who is actually smuggling "break out of jail equipment" into jail.
B. Helped Michael break out of prison (after 1 kiss).
C. Finally learned to break that stupid code in the origami cranes.
D. Went on the lam with him....and his brother.
E. Uncovered a conspiracy going to the depths of the US govt.....which also coincidentally cost her father his life after she involved him.
F. Almost went to jail for Michael (but was saved just in time by that magnificent bastard Agent Kellerman. This, of course, takes place after the episode in which Kellerman tortures her).
G. Ummmm, Mike still owes Sara beer....and a steak.

Mostly, I'm just concerned about "G". Seriously Fox, I'm giving you 2 episodes and then I'm outta there.

What I am reading: The Gue is a funny man, plus he has a Doctorate in Ass-kicking from Real Life U.
What I am listening to: Mozez - Baby Blue

Friday, September 14, 2007

What I've been reading

I have struggled with insomnia for the better part of my life. It comes and goes depending on stress, but I've gotten to the point where I no longer fight it. It's actually turned me into an incredibly productive reader (its not like I can vacuum in the middle of the night; I'd wake Mr. Little Man, who has sleep issues of his own).

I have done an insane amount of reading lately. Kat turned me onto Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series by loaning me book #1 a couple of months ago. It was a quick read so I asked her for the rest of the series, not realizing there were 13 books.

In the last 3 weeks I have read:
- All 13 books in the Plum number Series (there are 2 others....the 1 that I did read sucked so I didn't bother with the other). They were good books for the summer. Light, funny, quick.
- The 3 books in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series: Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. Admittedly I did not realize that these 3 books were geared towards teens, but I actually really liked them. I bought book 1 and then spent a sleepless nnight trying to figure out why Barnes and Noble wasn't open 24 hours so I could go purchase the second one (I learned my lesson: I bought 2 and 3 together). Confidential to Edward: you're a little bit manipulative and controlling; back off a little....and stop being so unsure of yourself.
- The first 3 books in Sergei Lukyanenko's Night Watch series: Night Watch, Day Watch and Twilight Watch. I don't believe the fourth book, Final Watch, has been released in the US yet. Yes, I know, apparently this is the summer of the vampire, but these are "thinking" books. You have to pay attention and they are written what I like to call "the Russian way". I find anything that has been translated from Russian confusing because the author always shortens the name to something I don't recognize or they refer to the character by their first and last names. What can I say? I am easily confused.
- Gone by Alexander Kellerman. This is also part of a series, but I stopped with one. I need a break from all the serialization.

Now, for those of you keeping track thats 21 books in 21 days. An awful lot of insomnia if I do say so myself.

Also, fear not. My fucked up life is going to kick back in any minute now and you might start getting interesting posts again.

What I am listening to:
Feist - 1234. Damn Apple and Steve Jobs! I can't get that song out of my head.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Girly Stuff

Gentlemen: consider yourself warned.

For the last year or so I have suspected that I am in the early throes of menopause. I have unbelievable hot flashes, I can not regulate my body temperature, hair grows in places where hair is not meant to grown, irregular cycles, blah, blah, blah. For the last 6 months the symptoms have gotten out of control so at this point I finally decide to go to the doctor (NOTE: Cookie Dough made me go).

My conversation with the doctor went a lot like this:
Me: I'm in menopause
Dr: Why do you think that? You are a little young; the average age for a woman to hit menopause is 52, so you're about 20 years early.
Me: I watch a lot of House; I self diagnosed.
Dr: Lets run some tests.

So after the first battery of tests we've narrowed down the pool of potential ailments to:
1. premature ovarian failure
2. early onset menopause
3. hormonal imbalance

Fear not, more tests are on their way. In the meantime the doctor has suggested I take some birth control pills to get me back on schedule and help out with my hormones. I have nixed that idea because B/C pills and I have a torrid hate / hate relationship. I've never been able to take them properly (i.e., at the exact same time every single day). CD* has graciously offered to dole one out to me every morning with my coffee...as though we aren't generating enough energy for the rumor mill around the office.

Also, the doctor mentioned that maybe I am nearing the end of my child bearing years. HA HA HA. I think my child bearing years ended about 5 years ago.

*Re: CD. We are still in the holding pattern of not dating, not making out, but clearly more than friends. I'm actually quite comfortable here.

What I am reading: stay tuned...there is going to be an entire post about this.
What I am listening to: Kaiser Chiefs - Angry Mob

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

School Cone

I am a big fan of teaching Miles the customs that I grew up with. I'm actually pretty anal about him learning all of my weird German customs and he seems to enjoy it. Or at least he humors me because he realizes the happier I am the more he is likely to get his way.

We have the tradition of the school cone which you can read all about here. It's the first day of school for him today; he is starting kindergarten (again with the German). And I did want to give him something to make his first day a little bit better.

What I am reading: Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer
What I am listening to: Zero7 - Fine Social Scene