I have struggled with insomnia for the better part of my life. It comes and goes depending on stress, but I've gotten to the point where I no longer fight it. It's actually turned me into an incredibly productive reader (its not like I can vacuum in the middle of the night; I'd wake Mr. Little Man, who has sleep issues of his own).
I have done an insane amount of reading lately. Kat turned me onto Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series by loaning me book #1 a couple of months ago. It was a quick read so I asked her for the rest of the series, not realizing there were 13 books.
In the last 3 weeks I have read:
All 13 books in the Plum
number Series (there are 2 others....the 1
that I did read sucked so I didn't bother with the
other). They were good books for the summer. Light, funny, quick.
- The 3 books in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series:
New Moon and
Eclipse. Admittedly I did not realize that these 3 books were geared towards teens, but I actually really liked them. I bought book 1 and then spent a sleepless nnight trying to figure out why Barnes and Noble wasn't open 24 hours so I could go purchase the second one (I learned my lesson: I bought 2 and 3 together). Confidential to Edward: you're a little bit manipulative and controlling; back off a little....and stop being so unsure of yourself.
- The first 3 books in Sergei Lukyanenko's Night Watch series:
Night Watch,
Day Watch and
Twilight Watch. I don't believe the fourth book, Final Watch, has been released in the US yet. Yes, I know, apparently this is the summer of the vampire, but these are "thinking" books. You have to pay attention and they are written what I like to call "the Russian way". I find anything that has been translated from Russian confusing because the author always shortens the name to something I don't recognize or they refer to the character by their first and last names. What can I say? I am easily confused.
- Gone by Alexander Kellerman. This is also part of a series, but I stopped with one. I need a break from all the serialization.
Now, for those of you keeping track thats 21 books in 21 days. An awful lot of insomnia if I do say so myself.
Also, fear not. My fucked up life is going to kick back in
any minute now and you might start getting interesting posts again.
What I am listening to: Feist - 1234. Damn Apple and Steve Jobs! I can't get that song out of my head.