reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Who said anything about getting pregnant?

In my never ending quest to find an answer to my hormonal problems my doctor sent me to get an ultrasound. Ultrasounds are usually a rather quick affair. The doctor just wanted to get a few pictures of my ovaries; nothing terribly exciting. She promised me it would be fast ("in and out in under 5 minutes") so I made the appointment to coincide with my lunch hour.

I've been seeing these doctors since I got pregnant. They delivered my son and everyone in the office is really nice and accommodating. Because I had a high risk pregnancy I had an ultrasound every month. The technician and I go way back and we've bonded. Afterall, she did take the first pictures of Mr. Little Man.

So, I get to my appointment and the tech and I make small talk and she commences with the 'sound. Five minutes pass. Ten minutes pass. Fifteen minutes pass. By the 20 minute mark I am staring to think that my doctor is a big fat liar; five minutes my ass. The technician is measuring everything and taking furious notes. I'm all kinds of confused because I've been thinking that things really should be going just a tad faster than they actually are. Things are completed at the 30 minute mark and then she launches into her spiel about things I can do to increase my chances of getting pregnant.

What I am thinking:
Thought #1 - Would it be rude of me to run from this room?
Thought #2 - Dude, I know all this. I took health. In high school.
Thought #3 - Wait a minute, why does she think I'm trying to get pregnant?

I finally ask her why she is giving me advice that will be completely lost on me.
Me: Ummmm, is there a specific reason that makes you think I'm trying to get pregnant?
Her: Your chart says you are.
Her: Yes, because you are trying to get pregnant.
Me: No, I'm not.
Her: Let's get the doctor.
Me: I think thats a brilliant idea; lets.

It turns out she had the wrong file. No, really. I'm just glad I was there for an ultrasound and not, lets say, in vitro fertilization. Because that would have been awkward.

Now, the icing on the cake comes today. I go to Walgreen's to have my prescription filled. While I am there I pick up a few incidental things (toothbrushes, conditioner, nail polish). The cashier rings everything up and I head out the door with my bag and a smile.

When I get home I discover that something inadvertently made it into my bag that I did not purchase. That something was....wait for it....a pregnancy test.

Honestly? I'm beginning to feel like the universe is trying to tell me something.

What I am listening to: Ray Lamontagne - Shelter