reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

How much of this craziness can I blame on hormones?

So, you know how it's been a very long time since I've had the company of a man? Well, apparently I don't remember alot about what it means to keep the company of a man. And now I am confused. Not by him, but by me. I am turning into a girl.

I've always heard my girlfriends complain about how so and so isn't calling or he was late or he did XYZ and OH MY GOD the world is gonna end. And whenever that happens I always give the same advice, which is essentially to stop being such a girl and quit:

A. Expecting him to read your mind
B. Taking a very small thing and blowing it completely out of proportion
C. Telling him that everything is "fine" when it clearly is not

It always breaks my heart a little to see women that are smart, sexy and funny reduced to former shadows of themselves because a man couldn't read their mind. It's a rule of the universe that men, as a whole, are not clairvoyant. If you tell him what's bothering you the two of you can usually work it out in under 5 minutes, instead of you stewing about it for days. But you know what; I'm turning into one of these women (see option B above. OK, maybe a combination of options A and B). It's making me uncomfortable, but I don't know how to stop. My girl hormones are taking over.

And now, I want to talk about my feelings. I am turning into everything I abhorr. God, help me.

What I am listening to: Fleetwood Mac
What I am playing on the Wii: Golf. Mr. Little Man got a Wii for Christmas and holy crap, that is the greatest invention ever.