reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Election '08

Unless you've been living under a rock you may have heard that 2008 is an election year. And for those that are confused (you know who you are) the big election this year is for the President of the United States.

I majored in Political Science in college and I think it would be safe to say that politics are a bit of a hobby for me.

I don't want sound all ominous when I tell you to carefully consider your choice because you will select the person that will rule the country for the next 4 years, because it's much more complicated than that. I'm also not going to tell you my choice because I wouldn't want to take votes away from my candidate, but I do want people to make informed decisions. Inform yourself, learn about the candidates, go to their websites, go to some political rallies in your area, find out which issues will make the greatest impact on your life; even if those decisions don't align with what I think is right. All I want is for you to educate yourself, so I've rounded up a few websites that I think will help.

First, we have a handy chart that tells you how the candidates feel about key issues. This should help you narrow things down.

This site will match you up with a candidate after answering a couple of questions.

This site does basically the same thing, however, I suggest giving both sites a try to see if you get the same candidate.

And when you're all done selecting your candidate you can get out your Trapper Keeper and write both your names on the outside. More than likely prefaced by "Mr. and Mrs." (or however you would like you and your partner to be known).

On a personal note: I'm adding this site because folks are constantly asking me what the big deal is regarding civil unions (versus marriage). Oddly enough only 1 candidate supports same sex marriage.