reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Weekend

...which actually started on Wednesday.

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling like I was coming down with the flu. Again. It wasn't a full blown flu but I felt like if I stayed home and slept I could nip it in the bud. I did, and woke up Thursday morning feeling great so I trudged off to the sweatshop...

...only to receive a call mid morning that Mr. Little Man had gotten sick at school. He had swim class that morning and had thrown up in the pool (nice, right?). The teacher just thought he'd swallowed too much water and didn't think too much about it. By the time they got back to their classroom he (according to one of the kids in his class) "puked big time". So, I went to pick him up and we spent the remainder of the day on the couch watching Disney movies and napping.

Friday, the ever nagging flu was back and Mr. Little Man was still not up to eating so we stayed home. Again.

Sunday, during brief moments of coherence, I prayed for a swift death. I'm not sure what came over me but I slept for most of the day. I did not get out of bed at all. I had severe chest pains and, for lack of a better explanation, my kidneys hurt like a mother. It was not a normal kind of pain. It was crippling and I just wanted to lay in bed and cry. But then I repeatedly fell asleep? Passed out? No idea, but a visit to the doctor will be completed before the end of business today.

For those of you keeping score at home I have been sick for almost 5 consecutive weeks. I had the pneumonia for almost 3 weeks but at this stage in the game things are getting a bit ridiculous. I feel like whatever illness I have is sidelining me from my life. And its really beginning to annoy me.

What I am reading: Mistress Ruby Ties It Together - Robin Shamberg
What I am listening to: Feist - I Feel It All. Have you seen this video? This time there are no awesome background dancers, but there are awesome timed fireworks.