This is exactly like that time I discovered there was no more wine in the house.
I had planned on putting my apartment on a diet. Really. I swear.
The plan was to go room to room and throw out or sell anything that I didn't want. I prepared myself because I knew it would be hard. I was raised by children of the war, for Pete's sake. I collect things; it's in my nature!
And then, out of nowhere, I run across this quote:
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris
I am so confused. And I didn't even see it coming.
Now that I'm not thinking of boys anymore we have the return of:
What I am reading: I will confess that I am not reading....I am online buying tickets to the Kahlo exhibit. I go next week!
What I am listening to: Miles Davis - All Blues
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