Autism Awareness Month
April is Autism Awareness Month. I really have to say that in the last couple of years our community has really stepped up its game as far as advocacy is concerned. I see ads in newspapers, magazines, I see billboards, I see commercials and I get a lot of questions from people who want to know more.
I love this. It means the public is educating itself.
Another thing I love? That parents of autistic children are not taking crap from: the medical community who think we're (largely) crazy, our insurance companies (who don't want to pay for treatment), our school districts (again, who don't want to pay for educational treatment), our government (one more time...who don't want to pay for any kind of treatment) and generally anyone who doesn't want to listen to our proclamations that something has to be done to stop the epidemic.
Most of all I love it when parents go on TV and aren't afraid to fight for what they know to be true.
Jenny McCarthy, you go girl.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...if you don't know someone with autism it's just a matter of time.
EXTRA: I was just emailed a link to the following article. Also by Jenny McCarthy. I'm suddenly loving her.
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