Thoughts that currently occupy my time
1. Paranoia about whether or not the air conditioner will fall out of the window.
2. Wondering whether or not surviving a day at the sweatshop without committing murder warrants an award of shoes.
3. Trying to remind myself every. single. day to pick up a copy of Fearless Fourteen. Even though I am not consuming.
4. Hiring a new nanny.
5. Planning Mr. Little Man's summer - His sperm donor is not really cooperating with my event planning. Ordinarily I would try to make excuses for him but I've learned that lowering my expectations makes me a happier person.
6. Visits from the parental units. I'm already contemplating whether or not the boyfriend (I'm not really sure that he is the boyfriend, but I don't know what else to call him) should make an appearance. I should probably ask him but he's finding about about my parent's visit the same way you are: by reading my blog.
7. Burned out headlight on the Silver Bullet. Its been burned out for a month and I keep forgetting to get a new bulb. It's not brain surgery.
8. Abalone necklaces and abalone flip flops. I really like abalone....which brings us to my current shoe obsession:
Cute, right?
9. Staying on topic? Apparently not.
10. Why my current method of birth control has caused me to gain 10 lbs. For those of you wondering my current method is celibacy.
11. Christmas shopping. I know XMAS is 6 months away, but I started early this year (I usually try to wait until August).
12. Coffee detox....which is hell.
What I am reading: Bank statement (SHUDDER!)
What I am listening to: Belle & Sebastian - To Be Myself Completely