reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Exactly how connected do I need to be?

I am not technologically savvy. At all. Gadgets do not interest me. I can get the basics done with my computer, but please don't ask me for help with anything complicated.

My iPod is probably the most advanced piece of equipment I own...and like so many others I will be forced to buy a new TV come January because even my TV is ancient.

When I buy a product I really like to make sure its something I can commit to because I know I will have it for a very long time. My last cell phone I had for 5 and a half years. My last car I had for almost 9 years (until some bastard decided to steal my beloved Honda). I just don't believe in replacing something until I absolutely have to.

And now I find myself in somewhat of a quagmire. I am a wanted woman.

on an unrelated note: Katie Holmes is single handedly trying to bring back the pegged pants. I think I've covered this before.....and no, pegged pants are still a train wreck.