reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Please let it pass

I am emotionally drained. I have so many things I would rather (rather? that is kind of a crappy choice of words, but right now I don't have enough brain energy to think of a better word) write about today: what it feels like to be 30, my visit to the Philadelphia Museum of Art to see the Dali exhibit that I didn’t actually see, Mr. Little Man’s upcoming birthday party, etc., etc. Alas, I can’t concentrate on any of that.

My grandmother is in the hospital and by all accounts will pass on any minute now. Seriously, who says that to a family? I realize that you have to gather everyone around and no matter what you say someone will probably tell you to have a little more tact.

Additionally, my half sister will be taken off of life support today. She had a massive heart attack (from what we know) while driving her kids to soccer practice. She has been in a coma since April 17, 2005 and has now been declared brain dead. She is only 28 years old and this whole thing came out of left field.

This is definitely one of those days where I want to crawl into bed and hide under the covers until the agony passes. How do you prepare yourself for this? You don't. If I had all the time in the world I don't think I could prepare myself.