Damn you Grey's Anatomy!
I cry during every single episode of Grey's Anatomy. I don't know why and I wish someone would explain it to me.
4 weeks ago I cried. No, not when Cristina lost her baby, but at the end of the episode when Burke crawls into bed with her and holds her so that she can FINALLY cry and fall apart a little. That was a rough episode for me. I just curled up with the tissues on that one.
Then you had the ep where the 2 people are impaled on the pole and the woman asks the guys she is impaled onto to tell her fiance that she loves him because she's gonna die any minute. Total tearjerker.
Last week Meredith pulled a TOTAL Nadine move and told McDreamy she missed him. Oh, Meredith, did you learn nothing from my trials? Nothing at all? I told my McDreamy because I wanted to clear the air and finally just let it go, whereas you clearly just wanted him back. I felt so sad and embarassed for you. I know you heard me yelling at the TV because his reaction was just too painful to watch.
I'm not even gonna talk about last night but the guy waking up after 17 years was BRUTAL, too.
Grey's Anatomy: please stop. I am not a crier and you are literally making me emotional every single week. I don't like it. Hell, I generally don't like soap operas (mainly because I get enough in my everyday life, but damn). This just can not continue.
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