reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Question from the Readership

Occasionally, I get e-mail from the readership asking questions about this and that. I am going to answer some of them here so that I don't have to answer them via e-mail (sometimes I am lazy, see question #1). Also, I am totally going to paraphrase the questions because sometimes the e-mails are long.

1. What does "Layzbugs" mean?

Layzbugs was a nickname bestowed upon me by an ex-boyfriend. I have an obsession with ladybugs; when I approve invoices for payment at my day job I use ladybug stickers to signal that the invoice is correct. Sadly, I am not kidding. No, I do not know why, but if you look at my photo albums from infanthood you will see a whole lot of ladybug stuff, so apparently the obsession started early. The ex somehow turned ladybug into layzbugs and the rest is history (I suspect that it may be because occasionally I will have a lazy day where I just want to lay in bed all day and watch television. I suspect that because it's the truth).

2. What happened to Joe?

Joe is still around, although not in the "special gentleman friend" capacity. No, I didn't drive him off. He is expanding his business and works all the time and my schedule is pretty full on account of, you know, motherhood, so it just kind of fizzled out. This has happened about 3 or 4 times with us so I don't really give it a lot thought. We still talk almost everyday and he still brings me delicious Italian food and Sopranos DVDs. No relationship tops that.

3. Why don't you write about autism?

This is an excellent question. Autism permeates every single facet of my life. It has determined where I live (in a school district that hates me enough that they will give me anything to shut me up), my career (with understanding employers that are supportive and provide EXCELLENT health insurance), my food intake (gluten/casein free, mostly organic), the bedding in my home (Mr. Little Man has a lot of texture sensitivity issues), my clothing (again, TEXTURE) and countless other things. I find that oftentimes when I write about autism I start sounding bleak, depressing and clinical and I am none of those things. When Mr. Little Man was first diagnosed I wanted to start a website that kind of documented our journey. I am still working on the site. Most of the text is written and eventually it will be up and running. I just need to keep this blog as my source of venting frustration/passive aggressive ranting and occasional funny posts.

4. Who is THE GUE?

I swear, you mention someone on a post once and suddenly the questions come pouring in. The Gue is a friend of mine from high school. Oddly enough he is actually the one person from high school that I am still close with. In HS you vow to continue friendships and then the other party does something stupid and you cut them out of your life (you just know it is ALWAYS the other party because you don't do stupid shit). Suffice it to say, THE GUE has done stupid shit, he is just smart enough to not include me. SIDEBAR - he is a GREAT friend. If someone breaks your heart he is prepared to hate them in any way you deem necessary and for extra credit he will make fun of them. And before you ask, no, I don't like him "in that way". But lots of other girls do. Jules has gone so far as to label him "the hottest guy I know". No, he isn't looking for a girlfriend and NO, I WILL NOT FORWARD YOUR E-MAILS TO HIM OR SEND YOU A PICTURE.

What I am reading: Fodor's Puerto Rico. Mr. Little Man and I are going there next month. He has an entire week off school and we need to spend some quality time together somewhere other than our house because there are too many distraction where I'll be thinking about washing curtains and wallpapering the bathroom. We are going to just enjoy the weather and swim on several beaches, and generally have nothing but lazy days (see question #1 above)
What I am listening to: Eric Clapton - Journeyman