Lip gloss
I am by no means a real girly girl. Like most women I go through phases where I want to look good and in a couple of days I get over it and go back to jeans and sneakers.
My friend (and bitch posse member)Os is a phenomenal make-up artist. She flies all over the world doing make-up for magazine covers and movies. When I have someplace special to go I call Os for help. She always chides me for my lack of eyebrow maintenance. The great thing about having a make-up artist in your inner circle is that occasionally she'll give you make-up. In my case I always get lip gloss, or more specifically, MAC lipglass, which I love.
Even on days when I'm in jeans and sneakers a little bit of lipglass instantly perks me up and keeps me from feeling like I look as though I just rolled out of the bed (which is oftentimes the case).
Now, I have begun to notice a phenomenon that piques my interest. I have seen alot of men lately wearing lip gloss. In colors. When did men start wearing lip gloss and more importantly why?
MAC lipglass is really thick and sticky and I can not imagine kissing anybody who is wearing it (apologies to anyone who I've kissed whilst wearing it). I use the clear stuff from MAC it because it stays on forever and gives you a nice little sheen, but I want some colored gloss with the same power. I need some confirmation that I am not alone in seeing this...and no I am not mistaking lipbalm for gloss. Whatever it is they are wearing is way shiny and I'm jealous because I want some. I need my lips to look like that. Help me out!
What I am reading: The Secret Life of Plants
What I am listening to: Bjork - Show Me Forgiveness