reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

HOLY FRAK! The State of Television

A couple of years ago through a wierd set of circumstances I ended up taking the Myers Briggs test and it labeled me as a "Teacher Idealist eNFj". The test also said something like "you feel involved in the lives of fictional characters". We all know that I watch alot of TV, and for a long time I blamed the personality test because, duh, its in my nature. Lately my TV watching is really slacking off. WHY? TV has gotten really, really bad. And annoying. Or my personality has changed; we can't really be sure.

Let's examine the evidence:

Veronica Mars – Over It. The mysteries are just not what they used to be. I really should have stopped watching at the end of season 1, but I hung in there for some unknown reason (the show did introduce me to The Streets, afterall). And where the hell is Wallace? And why do we only occassionally see Mac and Weevil.

Grey’s Anatomy – Totally over it. Wayyyy too much interpersonal drama and whining. People are either sleeping with each other or fighting with each other. Also Meredith Grey annoys me.

CSI – This just fell off my radar and I don't know why. I occasionally watch it via the Internet, but it is definitely not appointment TV, which is wierd because I used to love CSI. I'm not necessarily saying that the episodes have gotten bad; I just stopped being fascinated by forensic science.

Lost - Holy Crap, has this show gotten bad. They drag things out for too long. In all honesty I know that my attention span is not what it should be, but this is difficult for even the most hardened fan. If stuff doesn't start happening soon the entire thing will be cancelled. And hopefully replaced by something tolerable.

Battlestar Galactica is still consistently good (OK, they had 2 crappy episodes out of 16, but thats still a good track record). I think the reason that I love this show is that it deals with everything that is ugly about any society: issues of race, class, religion, abortion, etc. I had big plans to love BSG for a long, long time. And then what did they do? They killed off Starbuck (or so we are led to believe). She is far from being my favorite character on the show, but damn, its Starbuck. She fueled alot of stories and now they've left me with who? The Chief and Callie? Um, no. Lee and Dee? Um, hell no. For now I am going to trust that the writers know what they are doing because I think the only thing that will make me rebound from this fiasco is an Adama/Roslin "encounter". (Also, can I just give a shout out to Jacob who recaps the show for TwoP? He writes beautifully and I could not agree more with what he said about the men who settled).

In all honesty I kind of wish this could be a post about how productive I am after my child falls asleep, but alas, I need time to vegetate. I can't be productive all the time!

What I am reading: The Logee's Catalog - I am increasing my begonia collection. I know, I know, rock and roll lifestyle.
What I am listening to: Springsteen. I don't listen to alot of Springsteen, because I really have to be in the mood. I could go see Springsteen live at least once a week, because that man puts on a hell of live show.

And just because its Spring, I present to you the Asian Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes spectabilis x ventricosa):

Looks kind of dirty, no?