LayzAdvice, Pt. 1
Before I start this let me just mention that my mother has asked me to tell you that she doesn't believe that anybody should ask me for relationship advice. She'd also like me to tell you that if you need advice on sabotaging a good relationship you should totally ask me.
Well, that was quick; here goes nothing:
Dear LayzAdvice:
I am secretly in love with a friend. He is bi-curious, emotionally unavailable, and has an imaginary girlfriend. What do i do?
Dear Frustrated,
Oh dear. Where to start? Theres alot of drama involved in this situation. Clearly, its more drama than what you are willing to deal with or you wouldn't be writing me. He has both an imaginary girlfriend AND a penchant for sex with men? I am assuming that you are a woman so first let me remind you that no amount of love will make this gentleman forget that you do not have a penis, which is what he may be looking for. And take it from me: you will derive no pleasure kissing someone who may or may not be fantasizing about Brad Pitt.
Imaginary girlfriend aside (honestly, if he is over the age of 8 he shouldn't have any imaginary friends at all), the worst part of this is that he isn't emotionally available. Your needs will be unfulfilled so this is not the man for you. Its an ugly truth but being in love with someone sometimes isn't enough. You need to move on and hopefully find someone who is emotionally available, over the need to have imaginary friends and heterosexual (unless you're into bisexuality. I will not judge). Good Luck!
What you should read: The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway. (Its about a Menage a Trois relationship whilst on an extended honeymoon. Seriously.) It's a bit slow and very unlike most Hemingway novels.
What you should be listening to: Tina Dico, The Dixie Chicks, Aretha Franklin and any music you can dance to. You may also need to consider buying some Supergirl underwear.