Over the last couple of years I've slowly started to become an environmentalist. I do live in one of America's 50 Greenest City (just ask Popular Science....we were the only city in New Jersey that was selected for the list. No, really.) A couple of compact fluorescent light bulbs here and there, a well placed recycling station in my kitchen, eating more organic food, re-using my grocery bags and taking public transport whenever I could (which is not nearly as often as I'd like); you know, the usual.
And then I started reading sites like
Danny Seo's blog and
No Impact Man. Holy crap, I am not an environmentalist AT ALL. I am a slacker; a spoiler first world-er. Because, unlike No Impact Man, I have absolutely no desire to rid my life of toilet paper (dude, don't even ask).
Relatively speaking, my carbon footprint is low, but there is so much more that I could be doing. So, I am going to list the things I need to do to step up my game. But only because I'll feel like a hypocrite if I don't do them after posting them here for the entire world to read:
1. I do use environmental cleaning products for the most part (I do have an unnatural love affair with bleach because for some reason I don't feel like my bathroom is
really clean if I don't use it), however, I have not given up on paper towels. And honestly, I don't buy the recycled paper towels either. I need to make a bigger effort to use cloth.
2. Stop letting the water run when I brush my teeth. Or wash dishes. My next house will have an energy efficient dishwasher, but until then I just have to make a bigger effort.
3. Stop buying bottled water. I do try to reuse the bottles because not only do you have to recycle the plastic, you also have to think about the impact that the packaging and transport make. Mr. Little Man just got a new SIGG bottle, but getting him to use is a whole other matter.
4. Buy local food (things that have been grown...or raised within 250 miles). This is so much harder than I thought. I eat a lot of citrus in the winter and the last time I checked New Jersey didn't have any citrus groves. We don't eat a lot of processed food, so that isn't really a huge concern for me. I just don't know how to guess what is local and what isn't. My grocery store could really help me out if they posted a sign that pointed out which eggs come from nearby. If I still lived in Arkansas I could easily establish relationships with people that raise livestock and have (organic) farms. New Jersey? Not so much. I thought I could at least buy locally grown produce at the farmer's market, but even that has proven problematic.
5. Using an organic dry cleaner. Most of the clothes that I own that say "dry clean" only I stick in the gentle cycle with Woolite, but I do have my winter coats drycleaned once a year.
6. If I need a gallon of milk I need to walk to the corner store and not drive. It's better for my health and by the time I find a parking spot I might as well just walk. Plus, it encourages me to mingle with the neighbors.
7. This will be the hardest thing on my list: giving up Dunkin' Donuts coffee. I do it everyday; I buy a cup of coffee on my way to work (even though by then I've already consumed a pot at home). My options are to either buy their re-usable cup and actually have it clean and ready everyday or to give up the habit entirely.
8. Buy only things I need. Again, I was brought up in the first world and I have a lot of stuff. Most of which I do not need, or even use, for that matter. I have 11 cake plates. Even I (with my sugar habit) will not simultaneously use 11 cake plates. I am seriously considering purging my apartment of things I don't use.
Clearly, this will be an ongoing experiment. Wish me luck. And if you know how that whole buy local thing works, for pete's sake,, email me!
What I am reading: A trade magazine. Thats just a nice way to tell you that I am out of stuff to read. I can't buy anymore books (see #8 above) and I have yet to get a library card.
What I am listening to: Give A Little Love - Rilo Kiley