reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I think I'm gonna go for it

I am scaling down. Seriously.

I have lived in my apartment for 6 years. Before I lived there I had a small 1 bedroom apartment that was perfect for a single girl. Now I live in a large 3 bedroom. There are only 2 of us and I have managed to accumulate a lot of stuff in a relatively short amount of time.

I am a collector: dishes, furniture, linen., the list goes on. For example; I have 6 different sets of china. I've been collecting depression glass for about 10 years and I use it (maybe) once a year. I just feel like it is a big waste.

It's weird, but I have slowly, but very surely, started to feel extremely wasteful. I walk around my apartment and I see the amount of stuff that Mr. Little Man has and I realize that I am going completely overboard. Plain and simple, I am giving him more that any 5 year old should own. Moderation is a word that simply doesn't exist in our apartment. And it is my fault.

I don't want my son growing up not knowing what it is like to yearn for something so badly that you aren't willing to mow a few lawns in the summer to earn it yourself. He is used to getting things (and so am I). And I don't want him to feel a sense of entitlement because everyone hands him everything. In order for that to happen I have to scale down as well; I don't want him to look around and tell me that I always buy myself whatever I want.

Things are going to change. We are going to do a major purge and scale down. We're going to get the grandparents on board. And hopefully, we'll move to a 2 bedroom apartment.

What I am reading:
Still no library card. On a brighter note it's been nice and warm here so we've been spending lots of time outside...I don't miss reading everyday.
What I am listening to: Squeeze Me - Kraak & Smaak (Gue: go and download it....prepare to do a little dance in front of your computer)