Christmas season starts today
The Toys 'R Us BIG Christmas catalog arrived in today's paper. Apparently it's that time of the year again.
For the last 4 hours Mr. Little Man has been sitting very patiently thumbing through the catalog. He has taken particular interest in the video games.
Everytime we see a commercial for the Sony Wii Mr. Little Man plays along to whatever is going on on the screen. If the gamers are golfiing so is he, if they are playing tennis so is he, if they are jumping rope so is he; you get the point.
As far as hints go I would venture to say this a big one. My father has been wanting to buy him a Wii since this summer but there is still a huge part of me that thinks a 5 year old should be playing outside, not sitting in front of the TV playing video games.
Mr. Little Man does play commputer games...but only educational computer games that teaching spelling and math. He likes it. Does Wii have something like that? Am I over reacting and putting too much thought into this? I need advice. Shoot me an email and tell me what you think if you have both a Wii and a small child.
What I'm secretly hoping will happen: The producers of Heros will realize that Nichelle Nichols is tragically underused in their show. Wake up - this woman played Uhura!! She is sci fi royalty and all the geeks will tune in just to see her (and that crazy circa 1978 Farrah Fawcett hair you've got her rockin'). It's a fanboy's wet dream.
What I am listening to: Kendall Payne - I Will Show You Love. I heard it on a TV show last week, liked it, downloaded it.
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