reading, writing and running from normalcy since 1993.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I am constantly thinking of blog topics at a time when it is inconvenient to post a topic. When I am in the car or making Mr. Little Man's lunch or when I'm at work in the middle of a business meeting. A lot of times I'll just jot the thought down and stick it in my purse. Oftentimes I forgot that I wrote something down or the time has passed for the topic to be relevant (the entire month of October I wanted to write about breast cancer awareness and I just never got around to it).

Eventually, I'll forget that said notes are in my purse and I'll end up with notes that say things like cabbage or running or condoms, but I'll be damned if I know what it is about condoms that I wanted to make you aware of. My memory is failing.

Today I dug 5 notes out of my bag (Jules bought me a new purse because clearly I am the best friend ever) and I found the following notes:

1. movies
2. strike
3. MySpace
4. razor
5. video

Let's see if I can remember what it is about these 5 things I wanted to make you aware of.

I am psyched about movies coming out this fall. Mainly because some of my favorite books have now been set to film. Actually now that I think about it I'm not that psyched because movies never live up to the brilliance of books.

His Dark Material is now The Golden Compass; early reviews for the film are bad. Maybe I'll wait for this to some on TV.

Persepolis - It's animated. I LOVED this book. I bought alot of copies of it as gifts and I've got high hopes.

Beowulf - Why can't I escape the feeling that the industry will fuck this film up beyond all recognition?

No Country for Old Men - Again, great book and there is lots of potential here to get it right. I'll probably go see this on opening day. Plus, Javier Bardem!

Love in the Time of Cholera - This is my favorite book of all time. I completely identify with it (sad, right?), but I don't know how I feel about turning this into a movie. With Marquez you need to start slow and build and I don't think they made a 4 hour movie. They should have started with something slow like "The Trail of your Blood in the Snow". As a side bonus you've got another delicious serving of Javier Bardem! On the downside Mike Newell directed it and I still feel like he completely screwed up Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

I Am Legend - I have no plans on seeing this. I'm just mentioning it because it's a take on The Omega Man. Charlton Heston always brings Soylent Green to mind and there was no way in hell that I was gonna pass on an opportunity to say "Soylent Green is PEOPLE".

Ahh, yes, the writer's strike (I'm hoping thats what I wanted to write about because I haven't been bowling since what feels like the dawn of time).

So, if you've been living under a rock the last few days then you haven't heard that the Writer's Guild of America is on strike. Specifically, if your write for a movie or a TV show you should be on strike. Now, I completely understand why they are on strike. Back when VHS tapes first came out the writer's wanted a bit of the residuals from VHS sales, but they didn't get it because they were told that VHS was new technology and untested and the sales wouldn't amount to anything. This time around they've learned their lesson and they want residuals from DVD sales and internet downloads. It's only fair. Why should studios make all the money? I need to see some trickle down (and honestly I am a teamster baby hiding in a non-teamster family)!

So, now everything that hasn't been pre-filmed is down and out. No more Tonight Show, no more Daily Show (although I think it's awesome that John Stewart is paying his writing staff for 2 weeks....out of his own pocket). And once the scripted TV shows run out of pre-taped episodes we will all be stuck watching reality TV or actually getting off our lazy asses and doing something else.

Plus I am convinced that it will give writer's some extra time to think of ways to fix their shows. HEROS - I am looking at you. The Wonder Twins need to do something (anything) or get off the TV; and thats just for starters because the show is dragging. See also, Grey's Anatomy.

#3 - MySpace
JL created a MySpace profile for me a long ass time ago. I still have no idea how to use MySpace. Apparently, it is NOT idiot proof as previously hoped. The thing is people find me on there all the time. It's weird to hear from the kid that used to but his boogers on you in first grade (It wasn't funny then and its not funny now. You've left my psyche permanently scarred. FUCKER.).

#4 - RAZOR
I can not imagine that I wanted to deliver a lecture about leg shaving, so I am guessing I wanted to talk about the Battlestar Galactica Razor movie. The movie is supposed to air on Sunday, November 24 at 9 pm. Thats Thanksgiving weekend. Lots of out-of-towners will be around so the bar scene will be hopping. Where will I be? Getting my BSG fix. Maybe some of the out-of-towners will be dorks and will want to come over and eat chocolate and watch BSG. If I get a crowd maybe I'll make cupcake shaped like robots (I'm picturing it and man, are they going to be awesome. If things go really well I'll make some R2D2 ones as well...even if they don't necessarily fit the theme).

#5 - VIDEO
Ahh, yes. The pièce de résistance! The Gue and I (of course) were talking about things we'd be blogging. He always blogs whats at the top of his iTunes rotation. When I went to visit him a couple of months ago we spent a large portion of the day watching music videos from the 80s. A idea was born: the retro video of the week (please note that when I say "week" I really mean whenever I think of something. You can't place unfair time restraints on someone who regularly forgets damn near everything).

I present to you one of the greatest videos of the 80s:

And yes, the quality really was that bad in 1984.

What I am listening to: Tapes 'n Tapes - Omaha